Anni’s Diary
More from Anni’s Diary
Dearest Friends and Family, We found these interesting little notes in some of Anni’s school books. These may have been SMS messages that inspired her, for she wrote them down. She doesn’t state the author, but, that was not her concern, the inspiration was: The present is our own Live, love and toil with a […]
More from Anni’s Diary
Dearest Friends and Family, Today is “Martyrs Day†in India, Jan 31, 2008 the day that Mahatma Gandhi was shot dead in 1948. His last words were, Hey Ram, or O Truth, depending on how one wants to translate that. Today is also the last day of Amma’s South India tour, and as I type, […]
Anni’s Dairy Jokes
Dearest Friends and Family,            We found some hilarious jokes in Anni’s diary which we wanted to share…On tours stops in India, and sometimes elsewhere, Amma occasionally will ask for a joke. While we never had the chance to give Her any, we wanted to be prepared. Trying to keep a ready repertoire of jokes […]
Anni’s Diary
Dearest Friends and Family,            Tomorrow is the celebration of Amma’s official birthday here in Amritapuri. The celebrations have started fully today, and there are tens of thousands of people in the ashram. I haven’t gone down yet today…the crowds are thick…every time I look over at the bridge that we made after the Tsunami, […]
Anni’s Diary – September 2005
Dearest Friends and Family, We found this little list of “Aspirations†in Anni’s Diary that we wanted to share with you all. As a family, we often talked about what we thought were our shortcomings, the reactions or feelings we had that we did not feel we could honestly be proud of in front of […]
A poem by Anni – 1 Jan 2006
Dearest Friends and Family, I finally opened her diaries and journals – mostly two books, and found quite a few poems and songs. Link said we should put them on the blog, one at a time. Here is one, written January 1, 2006. It seems to refer to the description she had given me of […]