February, 2008

Rama and the Srimad Bhagavatam

February 15, 2008 Link Amma's Grace

Dearest Friends and Family, One of the things that Link, Anni and I used to do as they were growing up, was to read stories and books together in the hours before bed. I am sure that I have memorized Horton Hatches the Egg by Dr. Suess, if someone somewhere just starts me off on […]



Village Uplift, Amma and other Institutions

February 8, 2008 Link Amma's Grace

Dearest Friends and Family, Since we last wrote, we managed to get the letter with the original newspaper article about the starving fishermen in our area translated. We put it on Amma’s peetham for the Tuesday satsang. I did not put it with the clipboard questions as it was not a ‘spiritual’ subject, eg. Metaphysical […]



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