July, 2007

The Song of the Sannyasin

July 30, 2007 Kamala Amma's Grace

Dearest Friends and Family, We wanted to share this with all of you. This is the only direction open to us, otherwise, our existence will be a never ending nightmare. What follows is a poem written by Swami Vivekananda, in New York in 1895. You may recall that Vivekananda was the Sanatan Dharma’s first Spiritual […]




July 24, 2007 Kamala Amma's Grace

Dearest Friends and Family, We are back here in MD, at Uncle Jeff and Grandma’s house after a 10 day visit to CT and Boston areas, where we attended Amma’s program and retreat in Marlboro, Mass. We stayed at Priya Raji and Uncle Vaidya Atree’s home in Salem CT, where we first began attending weekly […]



Anni’s Care Fund

July 5, 2007 Kamala Amma's Grace

Dearest Friends and Family, We need to discuss Anni’s Care Fund. We know that many of you have contributed to ACF.   The fund was begun through the generous instigation of dear friends who feared for us financially, knowing how little money we have.   We initially intended to use it for Anni’s medication and […]



Anni’s Care Fund

July 5, 2007 Kamala Amma's Grace

Dearest Friends and Family, We need to discuss Anni’s Care Fund. We know that many of you have contributed to ACF.   The fund was begun through the generous instigation of dear friends who feared for us financially, knowing how little money we have.   We initially intended to use it for Anni’s medication and […]



Anni’s Care Fund

July 5, 2007 Kamala Amma's Grace

Dearest Friends and Family, We need to discuss Anni’s Care Fund. We know that many of you have contributed to ACF.   The fund was begun through the generous instigation of dear friends who feared for us financially, knowing how little money we have.   We initially intended to use it for Anni’s medication and […]



Anni’s Care Fund

July 5, 2007 Kamala Amma's Grace

Dearest Friends and Family, We need to discuss Anni’s Care Fund. We know that many of you have contributed to ACF.   The fund was begun through the generous instigation of dear friends who feared for us financially, knowing how little money we have.   We initially intended to use it for Anni’s medication and […]



Jataka tales

July 5, 2007 Kamala Amma's Grace

Dearest Friends and Family, Link and I are back in Maryland, at Grandma’s house. Her health problems ( a serious bowel impaction ) seem to be clearing up with wholesome food, juices, exercise, and colonic cleansing. For us, time does not lessen anything. As we slog through the days, it seems as though through a […]



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