June, 2007
Updated Photo Album
Dear Friends and Family, Please see our updated photo album, with photos from the last days with Anni and the funeral. Our Anni Loving you, K A L
Reality Check
Dearest Friends and Family, Two days ago, we went and got the ashes. Today, the Death Certificate. I feel I need to write to you all, some of the things in my heart, as the ocean of grief that surrounds me, pounds relentlessly upon our minds…the last six months she was increasingly tortured by the […]
That Hari Baba
Dearest Friends and Family, Hari Baba was amazing in Anni’s last days and hours. He took to lying down with her on the bed, yet seemed very aware that she was in horrific pain in every cell. There were times when he bit both her and me. We were aghast, and I wanted to exile […]
Anni’s Funeral Service
Dearest Friends and Family, Anni’s Funeral is going to be at 1pm on Monday (today), at the Rose Lawn Crematorium, in Livermore, CA. 1240 N Livermore Ave. Livermore, CA 94551
Anni’s Funeral Service
Dearest Friends and Family, Anni’s Funeral is going to be at 1pm on Monday (today), at the Rose Lawn Crematorium, in Livermore, CA. 1240 N Livermore Ave. Livermore, CA 94551
Anni’s Funeral Service
Dearest Friends and Family, Anni’s Funeral is going to be at 1pm on Monday (today), at the Rose Lawn Crematorium, in Livermore, CA. 1240 N Livermore Ave. Livermore, CA 94551
Anni’s Funeral Service
Dearest Friends and Family, Anni’s Funeral is going to be at 1pm on Monday (today), at the Rose Lawn Crematorium, in Livermore, CA. 1240 N Livermore Ave. Livermore, CA 94551
Dearest Friends and Family, I’m sure everybody wants to know the details… so here goes. Annika had been recently bringing up huge wads of clear yellow mucus. The relaxant had stopped her cough. She was clearly conscious, but too weak to respond. Occasionally she was able to speak small words, tried to communicate… We called […]
Share Your Stories
Let this be a place for people to share their joyous memories of Anni — I’m sure there are many. I’ll start off with some: I remember how we (her, Lincoln and I) used to go fishing in the backwaters for their little cat, Tushti. And how one time we tied Lincoln up at the […]
Anni’s Message
In her last day of Math Class, Anni wrote a song. She also made a tune for it, and a friend made it into a very beautiful song. It embodies everything she was praying for… Here are the lyrics: Green Grass, Blue Skies Refrain: Green Grass, Blue Skies, In this beautiful World. One Lord, One […]